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A program designed to be inclusive, fun, and social, all while keeping active and playing Lacrosse!

Next Program: 23rd April - 25th May

WHAT IS QUICKSTIX? Let us introduce you…

The Alkimos Pirates Lacrosse Club have been working on implementing a new and exciting program at our club for the past year, and we are thrilled to finally open it to the public!

Quickstix aims to utilise all the best parts of Lacrosse, while also adding a few extra bonuses. This program provides people with a low commitment, low cost, alternative to regular sports and exercise programs, and promises to be accessible and inclusive to all - no matter your age or your abilities.

This program is Lacrosse’s answer to popular social sports programs like indoor beach volleyball, indoor cricket, and mixed netball. With Quickstix, you are getting out in your community, meeting new people, keeping active, all while not breaking the bank and giving up your precious weekend time. What’s not to like!

The Important Stuff:





Tuesday evenings

Juniors: 5:15pm - 6:15pm

Seniors: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Leatherback Oval, Alkimos

$50 per person

5 years old+

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